Blog entry by: Dominik Holzer

We now see
the industry reaching a level of maturity where these sorts of events don’t aim
at promoting the uptake of BIM, but they rather serve as a forum for lessons
learned and strategy exploration. The following list summarises the main
suggestions made by speakers at the summit:
- BIM can only effect substantial change if the upper management of your firm is driving it
- Government is likely to start prescribing BIM use on their projects
- Increase the dialogue with your collaborators (in particular the contractor)
- Be very clear what constitutes your BIM services
- The client is mainly interested in BIM post delivery
- ...but don’t expect the client to know what he can get out of BIM
- Don’t underestimate the value of BIM for Facility Management
- Design, bid, build is detrimental to BIM
- BIM Return On Investment is difficult to measure
- The legal side of BIM is mostly unresolved
Clients and
contractors are currently moving very fast in demanding post-delivery BIM
services. Such services include the possibility to test a building during
operation according to physical and behavioural performance, as well as
managing and maintaining the facility assisted by ‘as constructed’ BIM models.
Most architecture and engineering practices are not set up to meet these
criteria for two reasons.
‘core business’ strategy does not consider providing BIM services useful to the
client post delivery
do not fully understand yet what some of their clients expects from Post
Occupancy Evaluation and Facility Management fostered through the use of BIM
(and probably neither do the clients)
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