Wednesday, October 30, 2013

BIM for Interiors, Land Surveyors and Sub-contractors

There are 3 new practice papers available from the joint AIA (Australia) / Consult Australia BIM Steering Group. They are an extension to the 7 Outreach papers that were published last year:
O1 Educating Clients - What to ask for when requesting “BIM”
O2 BIM for Architects and Building Designers
O3 Engineers: What does BIM mean to my business?
O4 Possible uses of BIM for Construction
O5 Quantity Surveyors and Cost Planners: How can BIM improve my business?
O6 Facilities Managers: What benefits are there for me in engaging with a BIM process?
O7 Manufacturers and Suppliers: What can BIM do for my products?

As chair of the BIM & IPD Steering group of the Australian AIA and Consult Australia I had the pleasure to launch 23 Practice Papers back in August 2012.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

National BIM Seminar by the AIA Australia

After traveling the continent for the AIA National BIM Seminar for two years in a row, I've handed over the baton to Dan Jürgens, the National BIM Manager at Cox who will start his 'tour' on Wednesday, 23 November in Perth. The AIA will run the seminar in a slightly different format this year: A networking lunch with an expert panel session.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

10 Things a Client Should Know about BIM

Written by Dominik Holzer 

download as PDF

As a client on any medium to large scale construction project you would have come across the acronym BIM (standing for Building Information modelling) one way or another over the past 1-2 years. BIM is an industry buzzword that can relate to many things. It is often misunderstood or at times even deliberately misused in order to promote the goals of individual parties.

This essay provides clients with a straightforward summary of 10 things that are useful to know about BIM. In putting these points together, the author draws on extensive industry knowledge as well as exposure to some of the most prominent BIM projects that have been delivered in Australia. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Rethinking the contractual environment for BIM in the Australian built environment industry


AEC Connect's Dominik Holzer has recently been honoured with a High Commendation  for co-authoring  the above paper (with Ilsa Kuiper) for this year's Brooking Price entry. The Brooking Price of the Society of Construction Law Australia awards this price for the best essay submitted in their field. It is named after The Hon Robert Brooking AO QC in recognition of his Honour’s pioneering contribution to the study and practice of construction law in Australia.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BIM - 10 years on

A reflection on achievements (and misses) of BIM in the past 10 years based on  a range of highly diverse, BIM related conferences that are currently on the way in Australia.

It has now been over 10 years since BIM became officially accepted as the industry acronym to represent the breadth of investigations into object-based virtual modelling and building product models that reach out to the entire building lifecycle.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Announcing: Strategic Partnership between AEC Connect in Australia and CASE

AEC Connect will expand its services offered in Australia through close collaboration with the 20+ strong CASE team in the US and the UK. The newly formed partnership with CASE will foster AEC Connect’s  Strategic Design Technology consultancy and take advantage of CASE’s exhaustive experience in Project Consulting.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How BIM changes effort levels across the AEC industry

This is  a short overview of a recent industry study conducted by AEC Connect in order to establish the sentiment among some of Australia’s leading architecture and engineering consultants who use BIM to deliver projects on a day to day basis.